
4 ways to give health for the Holidays

11.25.13 |

Losing weight top resolution

According to University of Scranton research, the number one New Year’s resolution is to lose weight.

Of the people that made New Year’s Resolutions—any kind of resolution at all—only 8 percent achieved their goals.

For readers of the Habits of Health, this statistic is not surprising. New Year’s resolutions fail for the same reasons that most weight loss programs fail. Goals are rarely framed properly and the mindset that is necessary to make a change is often ignored in favor of fad diets and extreme workouts. As soon as times get tough, the resolution falls by the wayside.

Share optimal health

You can help the people you care about make a change and create health by giving them health for the holidays. Here are 4 ways that you can share optimal health with your friends and family:

1. Introduce them to the Optimal Health Community
Share an interesting article, a motivational photo, or an engaging conversation to introduce someone to the Habits of Health. My website and my Facebook page are good places to find great content to share.

2. Encourage them to take the 30-Day Email Health Challenge
One of the keys to creating health is making small, manageable changes. Radical shifts in behavior are hard to maintain, which is why my 30-Day email health challenge has been so successful. With free daily emails, change is easy and gradual.

3. Give them a copy of Discover Your Optimal Health and Dr. A’s Habits of Health
Books make great gifts, so give the readers in your life comprehensive guides to achieving longer, healthier lives. Pick from two bestsellers and fan-favorite companion guides.

4. Connect them with a coach or trainer
Support is an essential part of creating health. Your encouragement will go a long way, but coaching and guidance from a wellness expert can’t be duplicated because of the unique mix of positive reinforcement and thought leadership. If you aren’t sure where to find a coach in your area, Take Shape for Life is a good place to start.

Health is the gift that gives for a lifetime. The winter will be brighter when you give health for the holidays!