This year is just beginning and with it comes the “dreaded new year’s resolutions”. They are usually dreaded because people decide to cut out something in their life that they have enjoyed doing for possibly years, but know deep in their hearts that they need to stop…like smoking or drinking, or over eating.
So, have you thought about what your resolution may be this year?
Did you pick to read this article because you have already made the decision to improve your health this year. Congratulations… you are WAY ahead of all who are still pondering the possibility of self improvement. Did you know that the average weight gain during the Holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukah) is 5-8 pounds?
You might think about making a resolution that will support your commitment to improve your weight and health…
1. Choose a time tested, physician recommended weight loss programs. Stay away from the newest “fad” diet.
2. Choose some form of exercise daily that lasts at least 20 minutes: Yoga, Pilates, swimming, walking, going to the gym, treadmill.
3. Drink more water
4. Give up smoking, drinking, and caffeine.
5. Start every morning with your goal for the day
6. To be a coach for others wanting to get healthy
7. Start a journal of your life
8. Go to bed an hour earlier
9. Read a positive/self motivating book per week
10. Get rid of all negative thoughts!!!! Be a positive, happy person!
Thoughts for the year to come…..
If I continue living with my unhealthy habits, what will my life be like in the future?
If I could choose my life, what would it look like?
What can I do right now to help make that happen?
What is my goal this year?
In One month I will….
In Three months I will…
In Six months I will…
In Nine months I will…
By January of the following year I will…
It is very helpful to set up a time table and a structural tension chart to keep you on track! Read or re-read the first five chapters of Dr. A.’s Habits of Health and call your Health Coach; they will help you!