With the holiday season right around the corner, you may find yourself preparing for upcoming family events, work parties, and other events. No matter what the holiday, many of us are faced with navigating through food temptations that could potentially derail us.
Here is a three step approach to help you as you prepare for an upcoming holiday event:

  1. Identify a specific concern or potential struggle you will face this holiday season. Is it Thanksgiving dinner with the extended family? An upcoming holiday dinner event at work? Or a cookie exchange with the neighbors? Pick one event you want to focus on.
  2. Visualize the event or situation. Think through each specific step of the event as if it were a story. What happens when you first arrive? Who will be there? What do you see and smell? What happens next? Work your way through the entire event, and be sure to include all of the little details.
  3. Once you’ve thought through your event, highlight the specific challenges at the event you are most concerned about. Develop a plan for addressing those challenges. Brainstorm ideas on how you can overcome them, and commit to one or two that you think will work best for you.

Here are a few strategies that many people have found to be helpful:

Whether it’s attending a family gathering, hosting a party, or attending a dinner party, it is possible to enjoy the festivities and continue to practice healthy habits.

Gearing Up for the Holidays

11.13.14 |