08.26.10 |
So, summer is over for some of us and just about over for the rest. Kids are back at school and all the fun, vacations, picnics, and summer time relaxing is just about over. For those of you who have enjoyed the Habits of Health through out the summer and are now realizing a more fit and fabulous you…Congratulations! For those of you who maybe took the summer time activities and vacations as a reason to relax and eat whatever was put in front of you, then you may be feeling a bit out of shape and tired. Well, Take Shape for Life and Your Health Coach is there for you if you are ready to get going again.
Here are some tips to get motivated:
- Start re-reading Dr. A’s Habits of Health and start the workbook. A great place to begin is to take the health assessment in Chapter 5. You can download this assessment by going to Habitsofhealth.net and click on take health assessment.
- Make a new structural tension chart with your current reality and your goal. Then write down all the things you will do to reach your goal, no matter what. Set a time line and look at it often
- Start a daily journal
- Make the decision to communicate with your health coach at least once a week.
- Listen to the support calls on Monday and Wednesday every week, either live or the recording.
- Don’t look back…keep your focus on the prize and don’t let anything get in your way. Make the rest of your life the best of your life!