The calorie and nutritional footprint of this program is such that it will kick the body into a fat burning mode. This means that the body will burn fat as opposed to carbohydrates giving the participant great energy and no hunger. The program has been tested through significant studies at Johns Hopkins and was found to be muscle sparing.
The reason we ask that you take it easy in the exercise department for the first 3-4 weeks when starting Medifast is because this program is going to switch your body into using fat for energy. Your body is used to burning carbohydrates for energy. It takes your body a good 3 weeks to get really efficient in burning fat. If you would over exert yourself and use up the glycogen stores that are used for quick energy (about 20 minutes worth) then your body must look for other means of energy.
- It may burn left over carbs and protein (muscle), which is NOT what we want. Your muscle is very important in metabolizing calories and we want to keep your muscle in tact.
- It may shut down and not let you lose any weight at all
- You may feel lightheaded or just plain “bad” if you over exercise
If you are used to exercising and want to continue, then we ask that just for the first 3 weeks to modify your work out by cutting your weights in half and not exceeding 20 minutes/day. And no huffing, puffing, or sweating. It is for your own good and for the success of the program!
We ask that you cut your exercise back during those first 2-3 weeks to allow time for your body to get used to it’s new form of energy. Once you have been on Program for 3 weeks, the nutritional footprint will sustain a moderate workout of no more than 45 minutes. If you want to exercise at a more intense level or longer duration, then you should add more calories in the form of adding another meal replacement, or adding 2-3oz of protein, or switching to a 4 and 2 program. Please consult with your health coach when increasing your exercise and activity.
After your first month is completed, What should you do?
Five Steps to a Stronger, Better Body:
Exercising your right to a better body means having one that functions well on the inside and outside. This does take time, but the rewards are worth it. You will feel positive about yourself and project that to those around you. Begin with an assessment of where you are and where you want to be.
Then, make your move with these five steps:
- Get your Heart Going
The technical terms for this type of exercise are cardiovascular or aerobic training. Exercises like walking, running, and swimming will help you build strong heart and lung muscles and help you control your weight. This type of exercise also tones your muscles.
- Build Muscle
While walking and running will help you tone, you can also lose muscle with too much aerobic exercise. And since your goal is to look good on the outside as well , you will want to build some muscle. Maybe you don’t want to look like Arnold Schwartzenegger, that’s okay. Using weights to strengthen your muscle will add more mass to them. Muscle needs food to thrive. Building muscle will allow you to use the food you eat more efficiently so that you can reduce body fat and get the shape you want.
- Eat to Live
Learn to eat to live not live to eat! Eating a balanced combination of foods in proper quantities will help you get and maintain the body you want. That means you need to eat carbohydrates (startches), protein (meat and dairy) and yes, even some fat. The 5 and 1 program gives you the balanced diet you need to be strong and lean while losing weight. Do not stray from your program!
- Get Your Rest
Exercise and rest go hand in hand. You actually wear your body down during exercise and build it up with rest. Too much of one or the other can have different, yet disastrous effects. For those over thirty, it takes the body about 24 hours to fully recover from an hour of strenuous exercise, so it’s a good idea to take a couple of days off a week. Daily rest is also important. There is a great chapter on Sleep in Dr. A’s Habits of Health…so read it and make a point to get your rest! We also have a great product that can help you get your needed sleep. Ask your Health Coach about our Essential 1 Sleep Health Melatonin Dietary Supplement!
- 5) Stay focused on your goal and reward yourself!
Most people start off well, yet finish poorly. A fitness program is a lifetime commitment, not a short-term project. In order to keep a level of persistence, you need to reward yourself periodically. Maybe it’s an extra day off from training or a new piece of clothing, or pedicure. It’s your choice, but don’t forget it. There are great chapters in Dr. A’s Habit of Health about exercise. It shows you how to start off slow and add as you go.