“A dream come true.”

Over eighteen months at optimal health.

by Emily Preator

Emily, Before & After

Fifty-five years ago, this tiny baby girl had no clue her life would be filled with depression and unhappiness, living in a body larger than every other kid.
At age 42, morbidly obese with high blood pressure, I suffered a stroke. A few years later, I tipped the scales at 302 pounds. I tried diet after diet, always looking for the “magic pill.” But any pounds I did manage to lose came off so slowly that I lost my motivation to continue.
Then I took a trip I’ll never forget. I needed a seat belt extender for the airplane, and I couldn’t even walk a few blocks without lots of rest breaks. I felt more hopeless than ever, and resigned myself to dying as the fat-bodied person I knew so well. Little did I know that the very next month would be the start of a dream come true.
My husband was determined to lose 25 pounds, and I thought it would help him if I tried the recommendations Dr. Andersen made to create optimal health too. “They probably won’t work for me,” I insisted… Well, Jerry lost his weight in ten weeks. And me? In eighteen months, I’ve lost 132 pounds and 131 inches following Dr. A’s suggestions and Take Shape for Life! My stepson’s in-laws didn’t recognize me at his wedding—and was it ever wonderful fitting into the airplane seats and taking a walking tour of Philadelphia with ease!
I’ve begun to dream, and to live life. I’ve set and accomplished goals like going horseback riding and downhill skiing—physical activities I never could have considered before. I now use the Habits of Health, which Dr. A says are necessary to stay healthy. I work out regularly and enjoy being out in the world. And I’ve only just begun! Instead of spending time at the drug store buying multiple medications (I’m off them now!), I’m busy buying new clothes—having gone from a size 3XL to a 6 petit! I’ve never felt so alive and thrilled to wake up every morning!

"A dream come true.”

06.21.12 |