Remember, that you have worked hard, whether it has been all year long, just a few months or maybe you just made the commitment for optimal health. You want to be able to survive the next 2 months’ social engagements and gift giving season (no matter what your celebrate) to help you keep moving towards your weight loss goals.
This is a great time of the year, it is important to focus on the reason for gathering, and that is to spend time with loved ones, family and friends. Many social gatherings are centered around food. This can be frustrating, scary and extremely tempting when attending a party or celebration.
Here are a few tips you can use when you are attending parties and giving gifts:

When going to the Mall:

Mall food courts can have healthy options, but the question is… WHAT food should you choose?

Remember, that weight loss is a journey. If you slip up with an occasional treat, this will not ruin your chances of long term weight-management success. Keep a positive attitude, this goes a long way.  Develop a plan, write down your feelings, goals and your barriers. Read it from time to time. This may be just what you need to get you through the season.
You can find more information in the event survival guide with more in depth tips and recipes and of course you can always call us at Nutrition Support. Take advantage of your resources.
And finally, remember—
You are not alone, use the support of your Health Coach. If you are a Health Coach, help to give that extra support to your clients to help them through this time of the year. This will allow you and your clients to achieve their weight loss goals and bring about that Lifetime value of our clients. And one of the best gifts you can give yourself is the gift of health.

Tips for Surviving the Holidays

11.11.10 |