Your Live LiveBook Workshop is an 8-week interactive course that dives deep into the principles outlined in Your LifeBook.
You can watch all of the past sessions below.
Lesson 1: Exploring Your “Why?”
In the first session of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, Dr. A explores your “Why?” for pursuing optimal health.
Lesson 2: Your Health Journey
In the second session of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, Dr. A explores the goals along your health journey.
Lesson 3: How Do You Create What You Want?
In the third lesson of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, Dr. A covers Element Three of Your LifeBook to explore strategies for creating what you want in life.
Lesson 4: Building a Healthy Mindset
In the fourth session of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, we explored Element Four of Your LifeBook: Building a Healthy Mindset.
Lesson 5: Optimizing Your Surroundings
In the fifth session of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, Dr. A explores Element Five of Your LifeBook: Optimizing Your Surroundings.
Lesson 6: Your Path to a Healthy Weight
In the sixth lesson of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, Dr. A covers Element Six of Your LifeBook, Your Path to a Healthy Weight.
Lesson 7: Creating A New Leptogenic World
In the seventh lesson of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, Dr. A covers Element Seven of Your LifeBook, Creating A New Leptogenic World.
Lesson 8: Learning to Eat Every Three Hours
In the eighth session of Your Live LifeBook Workshop, we explored Element Eight of Your LifeBook: Learning to Eat Every Three Hours.